Six Common Questions about Sick Leave, Paid Family Leave and Covid-19

  1. Can an employee take Paid Family Leave if a member of their household is required to quarantine?

 Yes. If the employee’s child is required or precautioned to quarantine, the parent is eligible for Paid Family Leave.

  1. Who decides if my employee needs to quarantine?

This could come from several sources. The State of New York, the Department of Health, a local board of health, or any government entity can issue an order for mandatory or precautionary quarantine.

A child’s school closing is not a qualifying reason for individual quarantine unless a government entity specifically requires it.

Voluntary travel to a restricted area that results in quarantine does not make an employee eligible for Paid Family Leave.

  1. If my employee can work remotely, are they eligible for Paid Family Leave?

No, if an employee can work remotely, they are NOT eligible for Paid Family Leave unless they are showing symptoms and physically unable to work.

  1. What benefits are used to cover the leave for quarantine?

Employees can use eligible sick leave, Paid Family Leave or disability benefits.  Employees are eligible to tap in to Paid Family Leave once their eligible sick days are used (sick days accrued could be five to fourteen days depending on the size of the company.) Once all eligible sick time is used, Family Paid Leave can be used to cover the remainder of the quarantine.

  1. Do employers need to pay an employee 100% of their wages?

Yes. Employees would be paid for the amount of hours they had been scheduled or by taking an average of the hours the employee typically works in a week.

  1. Can paid sick leave be combined with paid time off?

No, under the new law paid sick leave will be accrued separately from any other accrual benefits.


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